Chemical Use Policy

Friends of the Mississippi River’s Land Conservation activities protect and restore biologically diverse natural areas throughout the Mississippi River watershed in the Twin Cities region. These natural areas provide essential habitat for native fauna, like migratory songbirds and insects, upon which our food web relies.

Our conservation work often requires controlling exotic invasive plant species that threaten to displace native species and homogenize wildlife resources. When control is needed, we use best management practices (BMPs), including mechanical, biological, manual and chemical methods. 
FMR takes the use of chemical methods, like herbicides and insecticides, very seriously.

We strive to avoid or minimize chemical pesticides, but many invasive species simply cannot be controlled without them. We recognize and accept that short-term use of chemicals is sometimes necessary to achieve long-term benefits for wildlife. 

When necessary, FMR contracts with state-licensed commercial pesticide applicators. In addition to following strict EPA guidelines stated on each chemical product’s label, these contractors are required by FMR to: 
• Avoid chemicals use when other effective, feasible methods, such as biological methods, exist.
• Use targeted, spot-treatment applications versus broadcast applications when possible.
• Minimize the amount of chemical applied, and use a formulation with the lowest toxicity and residual persistence.
• Not use neonicotinoid insecticides and follow state guidelines and BMPs related to pollinators.
• Follow application BMPs near water, during various weather conditions, and to prevent drift to non-target species.

FMR does not use herbicides at — or within seven days prior to — volunteer land conservation events.

(Approved 5/18/2016)

Upcoming Events

Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Hastings Sand Coulee SNA South Unit, Hastings
Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Pine Bend Bluffs Natural Area at the Flint Hills Resources property
Saturday, October 26, 2024 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
3M's oak woodlands, Cottage Grove

Our River Campaign:
It all starts here

At the heart of this new campaign is the vision of a healthy Mississippi River.